Huntington Areas
- Altizer
- Anita Heights
- Arlington Park
- Bayside Village
- Belmont Park
- Beverly Hills
- Bolsa Chica
- Bolsa Chica Heights
- Brightwater
- Brookhurst
- Chancellor Hills
- Coral Cay
- Downtown Huntington
- Downtown Huntington Beach
- Edinger
- Enslow Park
- Fairfield West
- Freeman Estates
- Garden Farms
- Goldenwest
- Guyandotte
- Harbour Pacific
- Highlawn
- Huntington Bayshore
- Huntington Crest
- Huntington East
- Huntington Garden Homes
- Huntington Gardens
- Huntington Green
- Huntington Harbour
- Huntington Harbour Village
- Huntington Park
- Huntington Shorecliffs
- Huntington Village
- Huntington West
- Magnolia
- Marcums Terrace
- Mesa Verde
- Newland
- Newport Shores
- Old Central City
- Old World Village
- Pacific Coast Highway Corridor
- Pacific Park
- Pacific Sands
- Portofino
- Reid
- Ridgewood
- SeaBridge
- Seabridge Villas
- Seacliff
- SeaCliff Country Club Area
- Stamford Park
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Point
- Surf City
- Surfcrest
- Surfside
- The Huntington Collection
- The Peninsula
- The Village at Huntington
- The Waterfront
- Villas at Seacliff
- West Huntington
- Westmoreland
- Westmoreland Acres
- Westmoreland Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Acres Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Acres Estates
- Westmoreland Estates
- Westmoreland Heights
- Westmoreland Heights Acres
- Westmoreland Heights Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Heights Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Heights Acres Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Heights Estates
- Westmoreland Park
- Westmoreland Park Acres
- Westmoreland Park Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Park Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Park Acres Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Park Estates
- Westmoreland Village
- Westmoreland Village Acres
- Westmoreland Village Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Village Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Village Acres Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Village Estates
- Westmoreland Woods
- Westmoreland Woods Acres
- Westmoreland Woods Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Woods Acres Acres Acres
- Westmoreland Woods Estates